Roseisle - Special Release 2023, 12y, 56.5%
On the mellow nose, the overall impression is ‘lush', which is to say rich in promise, with the light sweetness of vanilla, a touch of molasses and some cereal, yet also complex and well-integrated, with fruity and nutty notes to explore. The top notes suggest a light vanilla sponge with butter icing; this aroma increases in the development; hints of ripe peach and white chocolate lie beneath. All of these notes are subtle and reserved.
Smoothly creamy in texture and sweet to taste, with vanilla icing, before a spicier complexity brings balancing richness. There are more notes of vanilla midpalate, soaring above a deep fruitiness, and the sweetness lasts throughout. Very appealing to drink, both straight and with a dash of water, which softens and sweetens it.